This is the second post in our two-part series that explores the experience of receiving a ketamine infusion. Here’s a link to Part 1 in case you missed it. The most frequently asked questions we receive from our patients and broader community revolve around the...
This is the first in a two-part series that explores the experience of receiving a ketamine infusion. In this article, we provide answers to the questions we most often receive from patients, mental health providers, primary care providers, specialty physicians, and...
Note: we continue our multi-part series on the science of ketamine. Last month, NPR reported that “scientists were able to reproduce the altered state often associated with ketamine by inducing certain brain cells to fire together in a slow, rhythmic fashion.” This...
One of the most powerful benefits of therapeutic ketamine treatments is the speed with which some patients receive relief. Patients have reported that even after just a single treatment, their perspective shifts profoundly, including feeling more hopeful about life. ...
One of the key principles of integrative medicine is that patient and practitioner function as partners in the healing process. The paired concepts of “set” and “setting” reflect this partnership especially well. These terms were first used in the early 1960s by the...
Note: this is the first blog in a multi-part series on the science of ketamine. Ketamine has been hailed as a “game-changing” treatment for types of depression that do not respond to typical treatment methods. In fact, ketamine has spurred excitement in psychiatry for...
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